Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Simple Dollar truth on My Frugality

Suddenly, were getting network appearance requests on frugality and about the the book, "How do u integrate success in a small business" when it is finally apparent that there is a recession say depression? What's up with that?

Believe it ont, my staff and I can't at htttp:// as we have the Paparazzi following for what? When some major online retailer post deficits is not new news, it's expected. We had been giving the same spiel that greediness does not work, that low income affordability is needed, that mainsteet is what America should be focusing about.

Now, that the republicans are using Joe the Plumber every single day, that the retail giants are taking the dump suddenly it's reality? We are not politicians, were just realist and were also the ones struggling together with thousands like us.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Say, where did the credit cards go, do we need Joe the Plumber

As the stock market investors try to work on pumping iron on the US Stock Market, the credit card predatory companies probably needs some plumbing nowadays.

With onset of the great depression in centuries suddenly the credit cards are not of use. However, the great credit card predators expect you to pay their minimum payments, use their predatory finance, penalty and late charges but at the same time do not give you anymore credit lines available. And so, the great predators expect that the low income, broke and main street americans still to pay? Come on ding dongs, people might be broke and struggling for survival but they are not idiots and stupid! Your predatory days are over as Speaker Pelosi said, the party is over>............ So if you want to intimidate the needy, go ahead but good luck because people are no longer going to be intimidated and the more you are not going to get paid.

We need to understand Economics 101 and the basics of survival. I truly commend the poor of the poorest who are struggling but at the same time still trying to pay their bills and make ends meet. These are tough times cause by the same predatory tactics of greedy financial capitalist but again the "party is over".

So if you are still being manipulated by these culprits, you need to start doing something in return by reporting these forms of harrassments and intimidations. The more we fall prey to these greed, the more they are going to kill the small, low income, broke, unemployed and helpless and disabled poor.

Tell these predators perhaps they should take a hike or call Joe the Plumber so that their brain clogs can be saved.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

You can " tell " People are Terrified About Money

Credit cards either you still pay them or not are most of the time not working, banks closing early with as much few employees as possibles, small businesses are most man by the presence of their owners to cut cost, people selling their own personal clothes and belongings in the low income neighborhood and everbody just wants cash.

The public transportation are becoming more terrible with service due to delays for minutes and hours which you don't know if it's because there is so much people using them or they are having their own operational issues as well.

Even on typical shopping malls where you see families with smiles and excitement, it seems people are so serious, anxious, deprezsed and suddenly once in a while you will see mentally challenged persons and one can only think if this has something to do with the economy.

You open the TV and it suprises you that out of all the depressing news, media still create stories about debates on the suicides at the famous Golden Gate Bridge where people take their lives by jumping. In uncertain times like this, issues like this should be not be given emphasis as it creates more anxiety but the media is always trying to create some way to bump their news ratings.

Newscasters are more and more becoming showbiz like trying hard to be some kind of actor or actress about how the bad news on the economy. I remember the old times that journalism was being factual than emotional as they have a duty to the viewers and people rather than actors trying to be the best network or the one with the highest ratings.

This simple expressions and reactions have psychological impact on the already frighten people. Can we at least just be factual and tell your executive producers and directors that you are journalist not hollywood actors and actresses.

Best Selling Author: How do u integrate success in a small business with ISBN No. 97814348-07595

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Trillion Dollar Relief from John McCain since when

A Trillion Dollar Relief from John McCain since when

- Is the Senator McCain serious on getting a trillion dollar package? Where does the money come from? Perhaps from their six houses. Are they buried or in a treasure chest? It is not a question that both presidentiables wants to do something to solve the economic crisis but the reality is there is no real quick fix as quoted by major dailies today.

The Presidential debate was a good glimpse of knowing more the next presidentiable but meantime that I am not eating together with millions of us out here in the dumps, how do we get by tonight and expect tomorrow?

We had so many replies today received from a simple reality blog last night, that's what is real. What is real is people are in grumpy mood because they simply just don't know what to do anymore.

We just have to be hopeful that everything is going to be ok as we like science fiction a lot anyways. But realistically if you have not been to a local pantry yet, the lines are so huge for people trying to get food. There is no war on the streets but the chaos of people simply not having money is what is real.

All we can say is just to be hopeful and do the best we can do to survive. Perhaps, tomorrow wall street's stock market would rise again as an earlier halloween special. Who knows?

Monday, October 6, 2008

Yeah, your right where did it go, it's gone

Yeah, your right where did it go, it's gone!

Browsing through the MSN and seeing the headline about had you check your portfolio lately, I suddenly remembered to check the so called great portfolio. Stopping by the post office, the postal clerk already mentioned today about his retirement fund gone and no longer able to retire. As usual, I would say did you diversify as they say bonds, ETF's, International bonds, etc.., but he was right "WHAT PORTFOLIO"?

Everything is gone. Na da, no where, and even negative. Well at least if you are like the forever broke me then it would not be a big deal as you are so use to being flat broke after all. Yet, I can just imagine the same TV people saying before not to panic, are the very people saying we are now on a recession. What's up with that? Did they not receive their regular paycheck from the very institutions making the advertisements? Or was it perhaps trying to be real and less be accuse that you are dreaming on live TV?

All I can say is that to you who kept saying "this was a correction" is "YEAH RIGHT"! What correction and now suddenly it's a recession, how come you still have a job and millions like us are jobless when we are not lunatics.

This is the world today believe it or not. Welcome to the new world, yeah, your right where did it go, it's gone. YEAH RIGHT.