Monday, October 6, 2008

Yeah, your right where did it go, it's gone

Yeah, your right where did it go, it's gone!

Browsing through the MSN and seeing the headline about had you check your portfolio lately, I suddenly remembered to check the so called great portfolio. Stopping by the post office, the postal clerk already mentioned today about his retirement fund gone and no longer able to retire. As usual, I would say did you diversify as they say bonds, ETF's, International bonds, etc.., but he was right "WHAT PORTFOLIO"?

Everything is gone. Na da, no where, and even negative. Well at least if you are like the forever broke me then it would not be a big deal as you are so use to being flat broke after all. Yet, I can just imagine the same TV people saying before not to panic, are the very people saying we are now on a recession. What's up with that? Did they not receive their regular paycheck from the very institutions making the advertisements? Or was it perhaps trying to be real and less be accuse that you are dreaming on live TV?

All I can say is that to you who kept saying "this was a correction" is "YEAH RIGHT"! What correction and now suddenly it's a recession, how come you still have a job and millions like us are jobless when we are not lunatics.

This is the world today believe it or not. Welcome to the new world, yeah, your right where did it go, it's gone. YEAH RIGHT.

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