Sunday, October 12, 2008

You can " tell " People are Terrified About Money

Credit cards either you still pay them or not are most of the time not working, banks closing early with as much few employees as possibles, small businesses are most man by the presence of their owners to cut cost, people selling their own personal clothes and belongings in the low income neighborhood and everbody just wants cash.

The public transportation are becoming more terrible with service due to delays for minutes and hours which you don't know if it's because there is so much people using them or they are having their own operational issues as well.

Even on typical shopping malls where you see families with smiles and excitement, it seems people are so serious, anxious, deprezsed and suddenly once in a while you will see mentally challenged persons and one can only think if this has something to do with the economy.

You open the TV and it suprises you that out of all the depressing news, media still create stories about debates on the suicides at the famous Golden Gate Bridge where people take their lives by jumping. In uncertain times like this, issues like this should be not be given emphasis as it creates more anxiety but the media is always trying to create some way to bump their news ratings.

Newscasters are more and more becoming showbiz like trying hard to be some kind of actor or actress about how the bad news on the economy. I remember the old times that journalism was being factual than emotional as they have a duty to the viewers and people rather than actors trying to be the best network or the one with the highest ratings.

This simple expressions and reactions have psychological impact on the already frighten people. Can we at least just be factual and tell your executive producers and directors that you are journalist not hollywood actors and actresses.

Best Selling Author: How do u integrate success in a small business with ISBN No. 97814348-07595

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